Register your interest in our A-level Business Studies specification

Fill in your details below if you’re interested in teaching our A-level Business Studies specification(s). We’ll email you a switching information pack and support you with switching to AQA.

1. Your contact details
First name*
Last name*
Work email address*
We can't contact you on a personal email so please use your school or college one.
Job role*
Current awarding body*

2. Your school or college
Centre number*
Centre name*
Do you already offer an A-level Business Studies specification?*
Do you offer any equivalent or similar business qualifications?*
When you'll start teaching*
Number of students for this specification*
Why have you chosen AQA?*
How did you hear about the specification?*

3. Request a call back
If you’d like a call from one of our team, let us know and we’ll get in touch when it’s most convenient for you.
Telephone number
Please select a preferred date and time when you like a call back


I confirm:*

I agree to the terms and conditions and I consent to my personal data being processed and kept in accordance with AQA's privacy notice, the UK General Data Protection Regulation (2021), and the UK Data Protection Act (2018).

For full details on how your personal information will be used, stored and protected, and how to request further information from AQA, please read AQA's privacy and fair processing statement.

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